
AD(English Page)



AD is a project formed by Akinori Yamasaki, a musician from Kyoto and drowsiness, that was started with gigs and recording in Tokyo and Kyoto. They performed at Akio Suzuki’s event in March 2020. Their original sound is specialised by layering unique and effective electric guitar sound on refined acoustic sound. Photography Shooting Support by 微熱山丘 SunnyHills Japan


潮隙 Spindrift feat. 四枝筆 Four Pens (1st E.P)

Shallow Water(1st Full Album)


日本海の佇まいと台湾アーティスト四枝筆 Four Pensがコラボ 『潮隙 Spindrift』

日本海の美しさと荒々しさ― AD『Shallow Water』が放つ音色は旅へと誘う

Interview by MeMeOn Music(Taiwan)

Interview by EarWorm(Taiwan)


Phenotypesetter「a mind wandering a day...」

Phenotypesetter「Denim Loop」

Phenotypesetter 「Cut from...」

Akinori Yamasaki

Akinori is guitarist and composer based in Tango Peninsula, Kyoto Prefecture. He has worked with Akio Suzuki as assistant from 2001 to 2003. In 2005, he released his first album "RED FIELD" with support from British music magazine Wire, which received good reviews including the one from David Toop, critic and musician representing experimental music scene in UK. Akinori plays his music in solo lives and Karasuma Stroke Rock, a theatrical company in Kyoto, for music composition and playing. Besides, he joins other collaboration projects with contemporary dance, actively challenging in different art fields. In 2014, Akinori released his second album "Etude of Sea" after 8 years of absence since the last one. Akinori Yamasaki Website


drowsiness is a guitarist and composer formed in Japan in 2011. Three albums have been released to date. Using the 80-year effector and guitar create unique sound to demonstrate a rhythmical and stereoscopic worldview. drowsiness actively provide live performances at exhibition, art festival, gallery and museum, and also collaborate in music with domestic and overseas company. drowsiness Website

Press Kit

AD Photo / Akinori Yamasaki Photo / drowsiness Photo


bandcamp Instagram YouTube Facebook Akinori Yamasaki Website drowsiness Website


AD (Japanese Page)